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405 Freeway

Ventura Freeway Map ...

Shown below is the Ventura Freeway and the 405 Freeway (both highlighted in pink) ...
Ventura Freeway Map

The Ventura Freeway is the main connector for Ventura County area to the 405 Freeway, the Hollywood Freeway, and parts of the Greater Los Angeles area.

The Ventura Freeway is part of the US Highway 101 system... but after crossing over to the east-side of the Hollywood Freeway, the Ventura Freeway looses it's association with US Highway 1, and becomes designated as "Highway 134". On the east of the Hollywood Freeway, the Ventura Freeway is also sometimes called the "Colorado Boulevard" or the "Colorado Freeway".

The total length of the Ventura Freeway is approx. 56 miles long.

See current traffic conditions at the 405 & Ventura Freeway ...

LA Freeway's directory ...